CNG- Energetika Maribor Zagrebška c. 67, 2000 Maribor

CNG- Energetika Maribor

137 Ocene

CNG- Energetika Maribor Zagrebška c. 67, 2000 Maribor

O podjetju

CNG gorivo – Energetika Maribor | Energetika Maribor je javno podjetje, v katerem stremimo k zadovoljevanju energetskih potreb svojih odjemalcev, obenem pa se zavedamo svoje vpetosti v okolje, v katerem delujemo.


  • Toaleta

Priporočene ocene

Artur Rotner - Rocky
CNG- Energetika Maribor
Pri polnjenju 3 vozil hkrati se dogaja, da se katera izmed polnilnih postaj preprosto izklopi!!!
Jaroslav Urik
CNG- Energetika Maribor
Self service CNG. Everything OK
Martin Štrumbelj
CNG- Energetika Maribor
Očitno je Maribor nekaj posebnega, da je cena 2.6€/kg, medtem ko je v Ljubljani 1.65€/kg. Še v Celju je ceneje. Očitno se cena viša glede na geografski položaj. Dobro da ni polnilnice v Lendavi.
Dominik Hochman
CNG- Energetika Maribor
25.8.2022 super price 1.20€/kgpressure quality
Stefan Redl
CNG- Energetika Maribor
The one and only CNG gas station in Maribor. Location is close to the highway. I would give it a 4.5 for the preselection of the the amount, but that’s only a minor thing.
Krasi Mir
CNG- Energetika Maribor
1.20 € CNG
Jiří Žaloudek
CNG- Energetika Maribor
Nice new CNG station, very well placed on the main way to/from Croatia just few minutes from highway. Nonstop, selfservice.
Slavica Petovar
CNG- Energetika Maribor
Pripelješ daš naplniš odpelješ in to je to,
Ondra Ludva
CNG- Energetika Maribor
24h*7d automatic. Accept cards. +Drinking water. CNG only (Erdgas / prirodni plin 100%quality). Well accessible from the highway. Fair price (€1.7 @ 6/2023). Once it loaded only 85% of tank may have lower pressure.(?)
Jiří Linhart
CNG- Energetika Maribor
Many stands, good location close to the highway

Dodaj mnenje


Zagrebška c. 67, 2000 Maribor
CNG- Energetika Maribor