Kobilarna Lipica - Lipica Stud Farm Lipica 15, 6210 Sežana

Kobilarna Lipica - Lipica Stud Farm

1242 Ocene
  • sreda09:00–17:00
  • četrtek09:00–17:00
  • petek09:00–17:00
  • sobota09:00–17:00
  • nedelja09:00–17:00
  • ponedeljek09:00–17:00
  • torek09:00–17:00

Kobilarna Lipica - Lipica Stud Farm Lipica 15, 6210 Sežana

O podjetju

Lipica - zibelka belih konj | Kobilarna Lipica je zibelka vseh lipicanskih konj na svetu. Danes je eden najlepših kulturno-zgodovinskih spomenikov Republike Slovenije.


Spletna stran
Pokličite nas
Lipica 15, 6210 Sežana


  • sreda09:00–17:00
  • četrtek09:00–17:00
  • petek09:00–17:00
  • sobota09:00–17:00
  • nedelja09:00–17:00
  • ponedeljek09:00–17:00
  • torek09:00–17:00


  • Parkirišče
  • dostopno za invalide
  • Vhod
  • dostopen za invalide
  • Primerno za otroke

Priporočene ocene

северное сияние
Kobilarna Lipica - Lipica Stud Farm
We had a great experience in the farm with a 15 mins (€20) carriage ride on top of the farm entrance including the museum. The staff is so friendly & helpful. The multi option guided tour is certainly a bonus.
Irena Heric
Kobilarna Lipica - Lipica Stud Farm
Zal prisli prepozno. Skoda da v poletnem casu ob 17,30h ne dobis vec vstopnice za ogled kobilarne. Pa je bilo veliko turistov.
Simon Požek
Kobilarna Lipica - Lipica Stud Farm
Ekipa kobilarne Lipica opravlja izjemno delo. Zelo lepa okolica, fantastični konji lepo skrbijo za njih in okolico. Vesel sem, da ohranjajo tradicijo in opravljajo delo prednikov. Lahko bi poleg dodali kakšno predstavo več o zgodovini, kako so trenirali konje in zakaj, bi bilo zelo poučno, čeprav je lepo prikazano v muzeju.
Jan Olšina
Kobilarna Lipica - Lipica Stud Farm
Great view of horses but prices could be a little more student friendly ;)
Claudia Flach
Kobilarna Lipica - Lipica Stud Farm
As a horse lover and rider I thought Lipica would be one of the highlights of the trip to Slovenia, but I have to say, regrettably it was a waste of money and a disappointment. Even though the weather was okay the training session (where visitors watch) had been cancelled and so all you could do was walk around, but there isn't much too see. If you're lucky you can still find someone training a horse somewhere and watch, but that's it.To be fair, there was a nice lady giving a free tour, but it lasted only 25 minutes and focused on the buildings and history, barely any information about the breed characteristics, nothing about the riding style etc. Unfortunately she forgot to mention that of the three small museums on the premises two (art & carriages) would be closed without her keys and when I came back to visit them later during the day the staff I stumbled upon and asked had no access and couldn't help me. In the one open museum (history of horses) the majority of video screens didn't work, and the souvenir shop was closed as well. Surprise.Half the stables are off limits to visitors (mares with foals and most stallions, which makes sense, you don't want masses waltzing though there). You can also walk the alleys along the lush green meadows, which were 95% empty though, horses were on only one.In short, I'm sad to say I don't know what I paid 18€ for, half would have been more than enough. Maybe it's more worth it in the summer, but especially with kids or if you're not that into horses, I'd think twice given the entry fee.
Inès Heymans
Kobilarna Lipica - Lipica Stud Farm
It is great to learn about the breeding and the history of the Lipizian horse in such a historical and well kept location. We visited with a family ticket and saw the show, the visit is less interesting if you miss the show. Check the schedule beforehand for the shows. I definitely recommend it if you like horses. I think it is less appealing if you have little interest in horses.
Martin Kovačič
Kobilarna Lipica - Lipica Stud Farm
Lepo urejeno, vendar še ogromno pptenciala neizkoriščenega.

Dodaj mnenje


Lipica 15, 6210 Sežana
Kobilarna Lipica - Lipica Stud Farm