Atlas Express Obala 55, 6320 Portorož

Atlas Express

29 Ocene
  • sreda09:00–15:30
  • četrtek09:00–15:30
  • petek09:00–15:30
  • sobotaZaprto
  • nedeljaZaprto
  • ponedeljek09:00–15:30
  • torek09:00–15:30

Atlas Express Obala 55, 6320 Portorož

O podjetju

Atlas Express DMC Slovenia - Discover Europe’s Best Kept Secret | Regional DMC partner for Cruise Line Excursions (Shore Excursions), MICE, Program developer & operator for Leisure groups and individual travellers (FITs).


Pokličite nas
Obala 55, 6320 Portorož


  • sreda09:00–15:30
  • četrtek09:00–15:30
  • petek09:00–15:30
  • sobotaZaprto
  • nedeljaZaprto
  • ponedeljek09:00–15:30
  • torek09:00–15:30


  • Parkirišče
  • dostopno za invalide
  • Vhod
  • dostopen za invalide
  • Z invalidskim vozičkom dostopne sanitarije
  • Toaleta
  • nevtralna glede na spol
  • Mize
  • dostopne za invalide
  • Prijazno skupnosti LGBTQ+
  • Varen prostor za transspolne osebe
  • Izreka se
  • da je v lasti ženske
  • Zaposluje begunce
  • Potrebuje prostovoljce

Priporočene ocene

Atlas Express
Top on the Coast!
Evelin Bizjak
Atlas Express
Odlična agencija, ki skrbno pripravi program in s tem omogoči vodnikom in gostom nepozabno izkušnjo Slovenije.
Franc Malečkar
Atlas Express
dobro pripravljeno, strokovno, interdisciplinarno, prilagojeno obiskovalcu
Atlas Express
Good and reliable organization, interesting excursions, always in step with the time and accordance with the wishes of the guests. Super.
Alexandra Rus
Atlas Express
Atlas Express is the perfect combination between professionalism at its highest degree and genuine hospitality. With an experienced team that provides a hands-on experience, nothing remains uncovered - from the overall organization, logistics and most importantly, the great experience each tourist expects. Highly recommended as the most reliable, experienced and friendly team!
Žiga Murko
Atlas Express
What a great team! Worked with them on event organizations and they offer excellent service. Very recommended for private or group tours as well - if you are looking for a organized, always on point and good energy team, don’t look any further!
Robert Wilfan
Atlas Express
We are a tour operator working with Atlas Express for years. All we can say is they are professional highly skilled and motivated. They are really good at what they are doing and lots of happy guests confirm that. As for tour operator it is a pleasure working with them because they are keep their promises and do not complicate. Any problems we have encountered were resolved professionally and quickly.
janez ohnjec
Atlas Express
Že več kot 15 let sem profesionalno vpet v turizem, videl sem že mnogo dobrih in slabih praks. Ko sodelujem z Atlasom in njegovo ekipo sem vedno miren in lahkoten, saj opravijo svoje delo z integriteto, navdihom in zagnanostjo. Vidi se, da jim je mar za gosta in večkrat presežejo zgolj navadno gostoljubje. Čuti se dinamika profesionalnosti.
dusan mencin
Atlas Express
Premišljeni in dobro pripravljeni programi, ki v veliki meri olajšajo uporabnikom spoznati lepote Slovenije!
Marko Murn
Atlas Express
At Atlas Express we had found a very flexibile, user friendly and reliable partner for organizing our private International Rotary event with over 100 participants from all european countries.

Dodaj mnenje


Obala 55, 6320 Portorož
Atlas Express