Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije Celovška cesta 23, 1000 Ljubljana

Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije

185 Ocene
  • sredaZaprto
  • četrtek10:00–18:00
  • petek10:00–18:00
  • sobota10:00–18:00
  • nedelja10:00–18:00
  • ponedeljekZaprto
  • torek10:00–18:00

Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije Celovška cesta 23, 1000 Ljubljana

O podjetju

Muzej novejše in sodobne zgodovine Slovenije |


Spletna stran
Pokličite nas
Celovška cesta 23, 1000 Ljubljana


  • sredaZaprto
  • četrtek10:00–18:00
  • petek10:00–18:00
  • sobota10:00–18:00
  • nedelja10:00–18:00
  • ponedeljekZaprto
  • torek10:00–18:00


  • Parkirišče
  • dostopno za invalide
  • Vhod
  • dostopen za invalide
  • Dvigalo
  • Z invalidskim vozičkom dostopne sanitarije
  • Toaleta
  • Restavracija
  • Primerno za otroke

Priporočene ocene

Cosmin Vacarescu
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije
Nice museum about the history of Slovenia from WWI until present days. Not too large, it took around 1 hour to see every room, but very clean and well organized. The entrance is free on the first Sunday of every month.
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije
Nedavno nazaj smo s šolo obiskali muzej, kjer smo si ogledali zgodovino Slovenije ter njenega ozemlja med leti 1914-2008. Razstava je obširna in se jo splača pogledat. Imeli smo vodiča, kateri je zelo lepo in podrobno pripovedoval zgodbo ter vlogo Slovenije v tistih časih. Priporočam vsem, če ne drugo si lahko malce obnovimo splošno znanje.
Peter Larsen
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije
Compact but extensive journey through Slovenia's history since 1914, in Slovenian and English. Very quiet on the day, so excellent access to the exhibits and explanations. The museum is located in the Tivoli Park, where many key events themselves took place, adding a layer of poignancy
Betta Rautio
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije
This is quite a fascinating museum if you have time to study, read, and contemplate. It is not a museum you can bustle through in 30 minutes. We spent a good two hours but we learned so much about what happened in Slovenia from War War I forward. The displays are written in English. There is seating throughout and the restroom is clean. We walked through Trivoli Park to arrive at the Palace where the museum is located. It was a fine way to cool off and wasn’t crowded. We also received Pensioner discounts. Recommend if you are interested in history. Not really a place small children would enjoy I’m my opinion. So be prepared to navigate stairs.
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije
You can quickly learn about Slovenian contemporary history.
Nancy M.
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije
Excellent museum explaining recent Slovenian history. Detailed explanations written in English. While the audioguides were broken when we went, they do usually have audioguides. Nonetheless, there was sufficient English text to learn so much. Well done, highly recommend.
M. Mattanó
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije
Excellent museum! Everything is so well explained and set that we were so happy about it. The tickets are super cheap for what the museum is. It should be mentioned in every city guide.Historically, it starts with austro hungarian empire and it is until today. For me, knowing more about the history of this area was really worth it. I really recommend this place!
Dayrius Tay Jiale
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije
Small and simple museum that recaps Slovenia’s modern history and path to statehood. One of the few places open on a Sunday. Reasonably priced tickets but few significant artifacts within. Best visited to while away time in an air conditioned environment
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije
It's a very interesting museum about the history of Slovenia in the 20th century. With the permanent exhibition you can see how Slovenia went throughout the past century starting from Austro-Hungarian empire, following by the period of the kingdom of Yugoslavia, WW2 and German/Italian occupations, Tito's Yugoslavia and finishing with the most recent history of its independence. The displays are very informative and interesting to read. The exhibits displayed in the museum are very impressive and allow you better immerse into the time periods. Highly recommended if you are interested to learn about the history of Slovenia.
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije
Local history museum, was surprisingly empty on a sunday. 5 EUR admission, 3 for students.

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Celovška cesta 23, 1000 Ljubljana
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije