Borza nepremičnin d.o.o., posredovanje, prodaja, odkup, svetovanje, Celje, Savinjska Pokopališka cesta 6, 3000 Celje

Borza nepremičnin d.o.o., posredovanje, prodaja, odkup, svetovanje, Celje, Savinjska

24 Ocene
  • sreda08:00–15:00
  • četrtek08:00–15:00
  • petek08:00–15:00
  • sobotaZaprto
  • nedeljaZaprto
  • ponedeljek08:00–15:00
  • torek08:00–15:00

Borza nepremičnin d.o.o., posredovanje, prodaja, odkup, svetovanje, Celje, Savinjska Pokopališka cesta 6, 3000 Celje

O podjetju

Borza Nepremičnin - Borza Nepremičnin |


Pokličite nas
Pokopališka cesta 6, 3000 Celje


  • sreda08:00–15:00
  • četrtek08:00–15:00
  • petek08:00–15:00
  • sobotaZaprto
  • nedeljaZaprto
  • ponedeljek08:00–15:00
  • torek08:00–15:00


  • Parkirišče
  • dostopno za invalide

Priporočene ocene

Xobile Hadat
Borza nepremičnin d.o.o., posredovanje, prodaja, odkup, svetovanje, Celje, Savinjska
We used this services to sell a house last year. They botched the whole sale process quite expensively. This company shows its incompetence, greed, and a disregard for professional ethics. I think it's best to list the serious and flagrant errors they made during the sale of our house than to go into a narrative:1. No one ever came to even LOOK at the house.I ask you, how can a real estate professional get a good idea on the value of a house without even LOOKING at it? Granted, the house was far from Celje, but any serious professional who doesn't want to travel far would advise the client to find a real estate agent closer to the location if they didn't want to travel there.2. They had us take pictures and posted the pictures on Bolha.Who is the agent and who is the employer here? We had to take amateur pictures with our cell phone cameras personally and the agent just posted them on Bolha. Thanks. I know how to use the internet, I can just do that myself. I don't need to hire an agent to make listings on websites.3. Refused to give a professional estimate of the priceWe were guessing from the beginning. When we set the initial price, he didn't say anything, then later told us that it was way too high. When we had it lowered, again didn't say anything, then later chided us for setting it too low. If I want all of my decisions to be criticised with no good advice, I'll ask an angry grandmother. I don't need an agent for this.4. Showed the buyers the contract before we approved itThis was a huge mistake. The contract had some clauses we didn't want in there, but the buyer had already even signed it before we even looked at it. It was then awkward and combative to change it. What an INCOMPETENT agent.5. Charged almost the maximum price allowed by lawTo add insult to injury, we were charged almost the maximum price he could legally charge for botching the contract, giving no advice, and never even going to see the house.These people are not only greedy unprofessional thieves, but also extremely incompetent. It's shameful this is the state of supposedly certified professionals in this country.If you value your money and you have self-respect, you wouldn't do business with these people. I wouldn't even trust them to sell a dog house.
M. Krajnc
Borza nepremičnin d.o.o., posredovanje, prodaja, odkup, svetovanje, Celje, Savinjska
Prijazno osebje , hitre rešitve!
Matic Uzmah
Borza nepremičnin d.o.o., posredovanje, prodaja, odkup, svetovanje, Celje, Savinjska
Vsi zaposleni v agenciji so bili zelo prijazni in strokovni. Z veseljem bi jih priporočili vsakomur, ki prodaja ali išče nepremičnino.
Gordana Košec
Borza nepremičnin d.o.o., posredovanje, prodaja, odkup, svetovanje, Celje, Savinjska
Agencija oz. agent, ki je vodil posel, si zasluži vse pohvale! Nakup ali prodaja nepremičnine je v vsakem primeru stresna, ker gre lahko tisoč stvari narobe. Da o komunikaciji in usklajevanju z vsemi vpletenimi (banke, odvetniki, kupci, prodajalci, notarji…) sploh ne pišem. Brez dvoma, na podlagi lastnih izkušenj, lahko zato trdim, da je bila vaša agencija edina svetla točka pri celotni zadevi. Komunikacija, strokovnost, prijaznost, potrpežljivost in nenazadnje odzivnost, so bile pri vas čista 10. Res.10/10. Lahko ste zgled marsikomu. Če ne kar vsem…Ostanite še naprej takšni in vse dobro vam želim, Gordana
Borza nepremičnin d.o.o., posredovanje, prodaja, odkup, svetovanje, Celje, Savinjska
Gospa je bila zelo prijazna...vse mi je svetovala in zaradi nje so stvari šle brez problemov...
joze godnjavec
Borza nepremičnin d.o.o., posredovanje, prodaja, odkup, svetovanje, Celje, Savinjska
Slavica Koštomaj
Borza nepremičnin d.o.o., posredovanje, prodaja, odkup, svetovanje, Celje, Savinjska
Zavajanje ljudi.
Joze Gabrijelcic
Borza nepremičnin d.o.o., posredovanje, prodaja, odkup, svetovanje, Celje, Savinjska
Dobra ponudba...
Alenka Cijan
Borza nepremičnin d.o.o., posredovanje, prodaja, odkup, svetovanje, Celje, Savinjska
Prijazni prodajalci, ki si vzamejo čas za stranko.

Dodaj mnenje


Pokopališka cesta 6, 3000 Celje
Borza nepremičnin d.o.o., posredovanje, prodaja, odkup, svetovanje, Celje, Savinjska